Icon Safely in Winter Harbor
We have been quiet the last few days - busy sailing and getting the boat ready for going around Cape Scott. But first an update...
From Campbell River we motored up to Deepwater Bay (~10nm) through the infamous Seymour Narrows. Flash popped their forestay at the start and had to retire. Had a good run to the Hardwicke Island fish farm in light winds - finished just slightly behind DragonFly.
From Hardwicke to Telegraph Cove the winds were light but we managed to pick some good lines and finished well ahead of the fleet despite adverse current - got another bullet.
From Telegraph Cove to Port Hardy the winds were also light - swapped places with Flash a couple of times and successfully threaded the rocks at the entrance to Hardy Bay to provide a good show for the spectators. Were welcomed to the town by the Indian Chief and given permission to land - another bullet.
From Port Hardy to Winter Harbor we had moderate winds beating up Golettas Channel. Crossed the infamous Nahwitti Bar in drifting conditions against adverse current - was a very light reach across to Cape Scott. We managed to roll DragonFly in this leg. The wind picked up down to Winter Harbor - DragonFly regained the lead passing us fully wound up (25-20 knots). We performed a couple of spinnaker peels and horizoned the fleet, finishing just slightly behind DragonFly averaging ~16-18 knots in the last leg...
Now to prepare for the trip to Ucluelet...
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