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Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Icon Halfway Home...

Jan and four others of our crew have been sailing Icon back to Anacortes from Kaneohe since August 1.  Their trip has been relatively uneventful with a few exceptions -- they have had trouble with one of the 24v batteries which doesn't like deep charging, the belt came off the watermaker pump when a set screw backed out, and there was a minor leak in one of the watermaker lines (which they fixed).

Not all the other Pacific Cup boats heading back have been so lucky -- Hula Girl (SC 50) lost their rig shortly after leaving Kaneohe and had to return.  In addition, the NE Pacific is somewhat a mess right now with multiple high pressure ridges and low pressure systems west of of Hawaii, in the Gulf of Alaska, and off Central America.

The crew is doing a great job of dodging the bad weather and keeping the boat moving.  They are averaging 10-12 knots pretty consistently and are presently heading for what they call WayPoint B at 44n and 144w.  They home to be back in Anacortes Monday night which will make the return trip 12 days long -- very quick by any standard.

Current weather routing for Icon